First of all, I have a DX and an FX camera too, and I was told about the 1.5 crop factor whatever bla bla, which is fine, but I had a question which didn't seem to be answered anywhere really:
So, if I have a 18-70mm for my D200 (DX) then what lens should I buy for my D700 (FX) to cover the same zoom range?

I have read THIS article on Ken Rockwell's website, which cleared up most of my confusion, but then i was still like: ???
I did lots of research, and I figured out that the best is, if I compare lenses by their angle of view, and not by their focal length.
This might be BS if you are a pro photographer, but I'm not one, and I find this solution the simplest.
I made this table, listing the focal length, and the angle of view at that focal length on full frame, and DX crop.
On the bottom of the pic there is an angle measure thing, just in case you need to see how wide are the angles that are listed.
The blue lines just indicate some of the angles that are (almost) identical, so you can see the equivalents of the focal lengths on DX and FX.
I hope it helps someone :)
UPDATE: Here is a Nikon Lens Simulator. This can help you to see the differences between FX and DX. You and "mount" any lens to any body, and check out the results. Really useful:
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