Saturday 21 July 2012

How to make Nikon JPEGs look like Canon JPEGs

So, I'm a Nikon guy, but I do like the JPGs that Canon cameras make. I like it much better than the Nikon JPGs. I thought that there must be a way to mimic the Canon JPGs with my D7000, and after fiddling with it for a while, I finally managed to get it right. It even got confirmed by a hardcore Canon user. She said "these really look like Canon JPGs" so there you go, there is evidence. I hardly ever shoot in JPG though, but it was fun to figure it out.

So the settings are in the SHOOTING MENU:

Set the white balance to Auto (the normal one) and then tweak it so it's Amber+1 and Magenta+3 (on the little grid the black dot is one right and three down)

Set the Picture Control to Neutral, and then tweak it so Sharpening is on 5, Contrast is -1, Brightness is 0, Saturation is +1 and Hue is 0.

Set Colour Space to Adobe RGB

and set Active D-Lighting to Auto.

This should give you Canon looking JPGs. Canikon JPGs. I'll post pictures when I have some that is worth showing.

Wednesday 14 March 2012


I started another blog too, and the idea is that I'll upload a bunch of photos all the time, and it'll be interesting, but if I'm too lazy, then I'll not update it and it'll fade into non-existence.
I promise that I will try.